Monday, November 01, 2010


Just got home from supper with squash team after Po-lite competition at SP. Although i did not get to play and although we lost, i know those who played tried their best :) we still have a game with NP on Wednesday.
Btw, i suddenly have this random thought of becoming a pilot for SIA or silkair as my future job. I'm thinking of going for an interview after army to see if i qualify as a candidate to be trained to be a pilot. My sister told me she has a friend who works as a pilot and he earns around 12k a month! I'll be over the moon if i can even get half of his pay. However becoming a pilot would take many years of training and experience, but how nice it would be if i can earn lots of money and travel around the world at the same time. I wish...
Got to sleep soon as tomorrow class starts at 9am. I love tp's shuttle bus service, directly from my house to tp in just 20 mins and i hope it will continue to be FOC in the future.
Looking forward to this Thursday as the tutorial is cancelled. I love public holidays on Fridays, long weekends! Alright time to sleep...zzz

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