Friday, November 05, 2010


It's 3:43am on Friday and i'm still not awake. Yesterday was the last day of Po-lites. Guys and girls came in 3rd and 2nd respectively. Got a medal even though i was a reserve. I still don't feel a sense of belonging in the team.
And when i was at SP, i took the opportunity to buy their school shirt, one dry fit, and one singlet. Somehow i prefer SP's design compared to TP's. Was talking to one squash senior before posting this and somehow i think she knows how i feel in the squash team. She's really a nice person. Hope to talk to her again soon!
Hmm today's Deepavali, i'm planning to do my part on my group project and complete all my tutorials for next week. If theres time i wish i could go out with my parents. I really miss going out with them.
Going to turn in now. Hopefully god will envision me during my dreams what i should do with squash.

Monday, November 01, 2010


Just got home from supper with squash team after Po-lite competition at SP. Although i did not get to play and although we lost, i know those who played tried their best :) we still have a game with NP on Wednesday.
Btw, i suddenly have this random thought of becoming a pilot for SIA or silkair as my future job. I'm thinking of going for an interview after army to see if i qualify as a candidate to be trained to be a pilot. My sister told me she has a friend who works as a pilot and he earns around 12k a month! I'll be over the moon if i can even get half of his pay. However becoming a pilot would take many years of training and experience, but how nice it would be if i can earn lots of money and travel around the world at the same time. I wish...
Got to sleep soon as tomorrow class starts at 9am. I love tp's shuttle bus service, directly from my house to tp in just 20 mins and i hope it will continue to be FOC in the future.
Looking forward to this Thursday as the tutorial is cancelled. I love public holidays on Fridays, long weekends! Alright time to sleep...zzz

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's been a long time

It's been a long time since i came across my first blog. My first post was in 2006 and now its already 2010! time flies. So much has happened.
Reading the past entries in this blog made me laugh because of how crazy and immature i was four years ago and also brought about sadness because i've decided to delete all of my posts. Crazy past. School,girls,friends,teachers,bad experiences,regrets,etc.. but each one of them has taught me a lesson and i've grown through them.
Enough said, all i want now is to live my life without any regrets.